The Livistona rigida, commonly known as the Rigid Fan Palm, is a striking Australian native renowned for its durability and stunning appearance. This tall, single-stemmed palm features a straight, robust trunk and a compact crown of rigid, fan-shaped leaves with finely serrated edges. Growing up to 12–15 metres in height, it thrives in a variety of landscapes, including tropical and arid environments, and is highly adaptable to sandy or rocky soils. Its drought tolerance and ability to withstand extreme conditions make it an excellent choice for low-maintenance gardens or challenging climates.
Perfect as a feature tree, for screening, or as part of a tropical or naturalistic design, Livistona rigida brings both elegance and functionality to your outdoor space. Cyclone-resistant and capable of attracting birds and butterflies, this palm is ideal for enhancing biodiversity in your garden. Its impressive structure and minimal care requirements make it a standout option for homeowners, landscapers, and garden enthusiasts alike. Whether used in open spaces, near water features, or as a bold architectural statement, Livistona rigida is a timeless addition to any landscape.